'Guess That Song' allows you to play the same game as the guests on the REACT YouTube channel. Just provide a YouTube playlist, some settings, and you can play 'Guess That Song'.
This page explains the set up process and how to control the videos so you can 'Guess That Song'.
Be sure the YouTube playlist URL looks like the following:
Part 1: The URL is from YouTube and is a playlist
Part 2: Further indicates a playlist
Part 3: The ID of the playlist
How do I get a URL for my playlist?
Mobile: Select your account in the upper right corner. Go to "My Channel" and press the options button next to your playlist. You may then "share" the list and copy its URL.
Desktop: Navigate to your playlist via the left-hand sidebar and copy the URL from the address bar.
Provide the times, in seconds, you would like the videos to stop. For example:
2, 5, 9, 14
The default behavior is to play from the very start until the first interval, and resume from that same time. The example above will play the first 2 seconds, then stop. When you tell it to, it will resume and play the next 3 seconds.
The default behavior is to end at the time given by the last number. To change these defaults, see the next section.
Spaces are ignored, but the commas are required.
Restart each interval:
This option will play each interval from the start of the video.
Finish each song:
This option will play until the end of the video once the last interval has passed.
You should be presented with the first video in your playlist and some controls to interact with it. Each button is detailed in the 'Game' section below.